There are some great aquariums across America. I have been fortunate to have gone to one of the best, Monterrey Bay Aquarium in California I would love to go back. The Georgia Aquarium is another one I would like to visit. I was looking online and you can dive or swim with a Whale Shark. Everyone knows these fish are gentle giants and don't pose any threat to humans, but holy hell I would be terrified! I would do it though. When we swam with dolphins in Mexico that was kind of scary in a way because of their size. What doesn't make sense was when we swam with Nurse Sharks in Belize and large Stingrays in Cayman, I wasn't uneasy at all. What brought this up was Frank and I were talking about his Epcot scuba diving experience at Living Seas and how slightly unnerving it was to be in the tank with all those sharks. I am so ready to go on vacation. I need to get back in the water.
Click here for information on some good causes to stop shark finning and save the sea otters!
Where is your next vacation? I'm dying to get back to Mexico....Akumal, specifically.
We hope to go somewhere at the end of May or beginning of June. I have never been to Akumal. There are so many places I want to go, that included. I guess it's time to start thinking about where to go!
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