Over the past month or so I have noticed there are things I used to enjoy that I don't really care about anymore. It's stupid stuff really. Here are some of the things I just can't do anymore. Not sure if its because I am getting older or what, but here we go.
KISS FM. Can't do it. I try to listen to it in the car, but I just can't stand it anymore. I am sure it has to do with the crap being played that I just don't get...like Justin Beiber, Ke$sha, random rappers using chipmunk sounds in their songs and robot noises. Or rappers singing about drinking and getting tipsy. I used to like anything with a beat and up-tempo with a party feel (and I still do), but I have a cut off point now that I am getting older.
Bars. Why can't there be a quiet, smoke free, place to drink that is not crowded and has good music that isn't too loud and you can hear your conversations with cool people. Oh wait...there is. It's called MY HOUSE!
Trends. OK, I can do some trends like ruffley blouses or chunky jewelry. But I can't do leggings, ugg-style boots, skinny jeans tucked into boots. You get the point. I would rather stick to classic style that still looks relevent and not old lady.
Staying up late. I still do it, but is getting harder and harder. I feel so much better when I get a full 8 hours.
Drinking wine on weeknights. Yes, there are some night that I have to. But a night off every now and then might actually help me lose some el-bees!
Not drinking enough water. I need to stay more hydrated, epescially as I age. Don't want to dry out the skin!
Perezhilton.com. Why am I obsessed with this crap? Is my life better for knowing useless information about people I don't know or don't care about? Now, there are still interesting stories out there like when Britney shaved her head and went crazy. But I'll wait until there is something interesting enough and then I will read about it.
So I will be 35 roughly 4 short months. I wonder if age has anything to do with this. If it does, I'm cool with that. If not, then I guess it's just time to make a change.
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