I have lost people in my life and each one has been hard. But I lost my Pappaw last night and it has hit me harder than any loss I have had. It happened last night around 8:00. He had been in the hospital off and on with pneumonia and was finally placed in a rehab facility to start getting better. Over the past few years he had become all too familiar with hospitals. However, each time he went in he would bounce back. He was a fighter. A strong man. It was just too much for him last night. My Aunt called me and told me to get to the hospital last night because my Mom needed me there. I knew it wasn't good. Not 5 minutes after I arrived, the Nurse led us back to "the room" and the Doctor came in to deliver the news. I was so glad I could be there for my Mom and my Aunt (who I lovingly refer to as my 2nd Mom). They let us come in and see Pappaw to say our good-byes. I knew he had only been gone for a very short time, and I don't know what I expected to see. But it was surreal. As more family arrived, we all stayed in the room with him until the funeral home arrived. The strongest person there was my Mammaw. She didn't shed a tear. I think she felt it was her place to keep her cool and make everyone feel better by telling stories and joking. That's just like her.
I have so many memories of spending time with both my Mammaw and Pappaw. It seems like yesterday......
Found your blog by accident. Sorry for your loss. When I lost my parents it was really hard. My blog is www.youthfuagain.blogspot.com
Came across your blog while browsing and just want to tell you how sorry I am for your loss. I know how hard it is to lose someone so close and dear to you. I lost my father and both grandparents in the space of 3 years and it nearly broke me. I'd like to say the pain goes away with time, but those are just pretty words people say when they don't know what else to say. What I can tell you is the pain gets easier to deal with, and that makes remembering the good times that much sweeter.
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