Saturday, January 31, 2009
Post-Op Update
I had my post-op appointment yesterday and everything looks great. I am all clear to start fertility treatments in just over a week!
Revolutionary Road - PSA for Anti-depressants

I saw Revolutionary Road last night and it was AMAZING. I really didn't know what to expect going in and I was blown away. It is a drama in every sense of the word. I am not going to give anything away or tell of the plot, but I will say that it was very authentic and true to its time period. In no way is the movie about anti-depressants or drugs, but it made me sure appreciate them. God bless modern medicine.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Dubai, A Giant Toilet

Eww, eww, eww...this is nasty. One of the websites I read on a regular basis is the Underwater Times. I read an article today that basically said that a famous stretch of beach in Dubai where the rich and famous play, is essentially a toilet. Raw sewage, chemical waste and toilet paper have forced the beach to close and events to be cancelled. If you want to read the article, click here.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Making Over America with Trinny & Susannah

I am a sucker for make-over shows. It's probably my favorite thing to watch. Last night I discovered a new show on TLC called Making Over America with Trinny & Susannah. It's Ab Fab meets What Not To Wear. These ladies are just as hilarious and out there as Patsy and Edina (minus the booze and cigarettes). Actually it's the original What Not To Wear. If you are like me and love make-over shows and British icons adored by gay men around the world, then this is a must see.
just for fun,
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Body Brushing

I heard about body brushing about a year ago on an XM radio show. I bought a body brush at Origins, but never ended up doing anything with it. Body Brushing is a process that helps stimulate blood and lymph flow to eliminate toxins from the body. When done on a daily basis it has more long-term effects:
~helps combat cellulite
~removes dead skin cells
~strengthens the immune system
~tightens the skin
~tones the muscles
~improves circulation
~helps digestion
There are some good websites with more information, how to's, and types of brushes.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Not Feeling Fashion

I'm just not feeling the fashions that are out there right now. I have been shopping at White House|Black Market, but how much black and white can one have in their wardrobe? I tend to gravitate towards The Gap, Ann Taylor Loft, Banana Republic, and occaisionally department stores. I can't seem to find anything that I just love at any of these places. The styles at Ann Taylor Loft and Banana Republic are looking too 9 to 5 to me. Lots of silky fabrics and ruffles (but not good ruffles). Gap has been just blah to me lately and I loathe the mall. I have found a lot at Boden that I like, but the fact that it is catalog/internet and the sizing is UK, I don't want to risk getting the wrong size in things and having go through that whole rigamarow. I am not a shop-a-holic by any means, but right now I am trying to give my wardrobe an overhaul and add more nice work clothes.
I guess shopping is like dating for a lot of people. When you are looking, there is nothing out there...but when you are not, there it is.
Where do you shop?
Monday, January 19, 2009
American Idol High Five
This is so funny to me for some reason. Ryan Seacrest must have felt like a tool. Ha! Actually it's funny to me because I had a similar thing happen to me this past weekend. I was shopping and this guy working there was talking to me...but I had no idea. He had a crazy eye and he kept calling me and trying to get my attention and I kept just staring off into space thinking he was talking to someone else. I was so embarrassed.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Why Is It Un-cool To Be A Republican?

Once again I am reminded of politics with the inaguration in full swing. It makes me think about things like, why is it so un-cool to be republican? Why let one bad apple spoil the bunch (which I don't agree with 100%)? I just don't get it. I feel as if republicans are judged as a stereotype. I have always been and will always be a republican, but I am also pro-choice, for gay marriage, and anti-guns. So how does that fit in to the stereotype of a typical republican?
Monday, January 12, 2009
Quality NOT Quantity

I just finished cleaning out my closet. I followed the "if you haven't worn it in a year" rule and I also got rid of most of my capri pants (which just make me look shorter than I really am). I realized that I have a lot of the same things and I have a lot of things that I mostly bought just to have. I don't need 4 pairs of cheap black pants. I would rather own 2 pairs of really nice black pants. I also noticed I had some items that looked kind of frumpy. I think I still look relatively young, and I need to show that in my wardrobe. I am also excited about this spring/summer. It will be all about the skirt and dress for me. Since I am doing away with Carpi pants, skirts and casual dresses should be a good alternative. Being off work, I have watched so much What Not To Wear, I felt inspired.
Speaking of closets, Frank has ordered some wood and will be tearing up the carpet in the closet and laying down bamboo. He is also going to build some shelves and cabinets so that will be really nice.
Back To Reality
I go back to work tomorrow. It feels like I have been gone forever! I guess because the last 3 weeks have basically been 3 day weeks due to the holidays.
Anyway, I got my stiches out today and was told to still take it easy for the next couple of weeks. I go for my post-op on Feb 2nd. I expect after that, I can start working out again and doing things as normal!
Anyway, I got my stiches out today and was told to still take it easy for the next couple of weeks. I go for my post-op on Feb 2nd. I expect after that, I can start working out again and doing things as normal!
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Time For A Change
Since I can remember, I have always had light brown/blonde highlighted hair. I have always wanted to do something completely different, but never have. I don't know what I have been scared of. It's just hair color and can easily be changed.
I once dyed my hair dark brown (nearly black) for Halloween. I have also tried going bleached blonde, turning my hair peach in the process. Oh, I have also gone swimming in heavily clorinated water shortly after having my hair highlighted...resulting in green hair. So what am I waiting for? I am going to try and schedule an appointment for this weekend to get my hair colored a light red/auburn with blonde highlights. Here are some pictures to show how I want it to look (color-wise). Thoughts???
I once dyed my hair dark brown (nearly black) for Halloween. I have also tried going bleached blonde, turning my hair peach in the process. Oh, I have also gone swimming in heavily clorinated water shortly after having my hair highlighted...resulting in green hair. So what am I waiting for? I am going to try and schedule an appointment for this weekend to get my hair colored a light red/auburn with blonde highlights. Here are some pictures to show how I want it to look (color-wise). Thoughts???

Cabin Fevah
Today is the 4th day of laying around doing absolutely nothing and I am losing my mind! I was hoping to go back to work tomorrow, but I can't go back until Tuesday. I think we are going to try to get out for a little while today. I would just like to put on shoes and be a part of society for a little bit. How do shut-in's do it?
I get my stiches out Monday afternoon and go back to work on Tuesday. Between now and then, I need to get back on a somewhat normal sleep schedule. I have ignored clocks since Thursday morning and have been keeping strange hours since.
I get my stiches out Monday afternoon and go back to work on Tuesday. Between now and then, I need to get back on a somewhat normal sleep schedule. I have ignored clocks since Thursday morning and have been keeping strange hours since.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Friday, January 9, 2009
I had my surgery yesterday and everthing went really well. They did find endometriosis and got it all cleaned out. I have 3 small incisions on my lower abdomen. One at the belly button, and one on each side above the pelvis. I am definately feeling more pain today than yesterday, but I hope it starts to subside over the weekend. I get my stiches out Monday and go back to work Tuesday. I am already stir crazy!
Please Bear With Me!
I am trying to update my blog with new backgrounds and headers. I am learning how to create new headers of my own, etc. I also will be posting about my surgery soon. In the meantime, I will be swtiching from sleeping to frustrating myself trying to figure out this new blog thing. OK, time for pain meds and a nap. See ya!
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Shannon tagged and I'm it...
8 things I did today (in no particular order):
1) went to work
2) did laundry
3) picked up prescriptions
4) grilled steaks for dinner
6) took a shower
7) blogged/read blogs
8) watched tv
8 favorite restaurants (also, in no order):
1) Pirahna's
2) Mac's Bar & Grill
3) Sake Japanese Steakhouse
4) La Madeline
5) Rockfish
6) Abuelo's
7) Ocean Rock
8) Mi Cocina
8 shows that I watch:
1) Rock of Love - currently the love bus
2) 30 Rock
3) Oprah
4) Adult Swim (mostly family guy, robot chicken and metalocalypse)
5) Real Housewives of Orange County
6) Ghost Hunters
7) Supernatural
8) Smallville
8 things I wish for:
1) health and happiness for all my friends and loved ones
2) my surgery to be successful
3) a family of my own (see #2)
4) Frank's job success and happiness
5) my own job success
6) a marriage that stays strong and happy forever
7) a fit and toned body (working on it)
8) to become more chilled
8 things I look forward to:
1) Caribbean this spring with Todd and Kristi
2) new job possibilities
3) Britney concert with Shannon
4) weekends
5) those fun moments with Frank
6) maid service again next month (why didn't I do this sooner?)
7) spending time at home each evening with the puppies and Frank
8) summer
And, so I tag:
do I only tag those with a blog? How about this...if you are reading this and have not yet been tagged, consider yourself tagged!
8 things I did today (in no particular order):
1) went to work
2) did laundry
3) picked up prescriptions
4) grilled steaks for dinner
6) took a shower
7) blogged/read blogs
8) watched tv
8 favorite restaurants (also, in no order):
1) Pirahna's
2) Mac's Bar & Grill
3) Sake Japanese Steakhouse
4) La Madeline
5) Rockfish
6) Abuelo's
7) Ocean Rock
8) Mi Cocina
8 shows that I watch:
1) Rock of Love - currently the love bus
2) 30 Rock
3) Oprah
4) Adult Swim (mostly family guy, robot chicken and metalocalypse)
5) Real Housewives of Orange County
6) Ghost Hunters
7) Supernatural
8) Smallville
8 things I wish for:
1) health and happiness for all my friends and loved ones
2) my surgery to be successful
3) a family of my own (see #2)
4) Frank's job success and happiness
5) my own job success
6) a marriage that stays strong and happy forever
7) a fit and toned body (working on it)
8) to become more chilled
8 things I look forward to:
1) Caribbean this spring with Todd and Kristi
2) new job possibilities
3) Britney concert with Shannon
4) weekends
5) those fun moments with Frank
6) maid service again next month (why didn't I do this sooner?)
7) spending time at home each evening with the puppies and Frank
8) summer
And, so I tag:
do I only tag those with a blog? How about this...if you are reading this and have not yet been tagged, consider yourself tagged!
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Bent with the Dents
Last night Frank and I rang in 2009 with our good friends Todd and Kristi. We had a great time at Bent Lounge in Fort Worth. None of us had been there before, so we were unsure what to expect. When we arrived I have to say I was a bit disappointed because it was dead, nobody was there, and it was kind of cheesy. The club is set up on 3 levels. We were on the 3rd level, which ended being segregated from the rest of the club. The 2nd floor at least over looked the first floor so you were more in the mix of everything. But shortly after we arrived, the place got packed. It turns out the 3rd floor was more of a VIP area with wrist-band access only. Who knew. We always know how to party like rock stars...Ha! Anyway, it was a good time with some interesting people watching. Everyone was there from "the old dude at the club in a wind-breaker", a Courtney Love look-a-like, Chewbacca, and much more. By the end of the night, the Courtney Love chick invited herself to our table (you will see her in some of the pics) so that was pretty funny. Oh, and I figured out that I have developed a couple really stupid picture "poses" that will need to stop ASAP!
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