Remember when Ed Hardy shirts were sold at high-end stores for $85.00 per t-shirt? That phase didn't last long before every hipster (a.k.a. upper-middle-class housewives and divoriced Dads on the prowl) in middle-America started buying it up. Soon after that, it became a staple of daily attire for the cast of the Jersey Shore. Well NOW, you can find anything from Ed Hardy gum at Target, lighters at gas stations, computer mouses and mouse pads, and BEER! Dear lord. Seriously? As if the first of the items previously listed weren't bad enough?
Ed Hardy is the next Tommy Hilfigger. Meaning it won't be long (if not already) til you can buy an Ed Hardy souvineer t-shirt in Cozumel.
Click Here to Watch 'The Ed Hardy Boyz and The Case Of The Missing Sick Belt Buckle'
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