I had lunch with my mom the other day and she mentioned how it had been like a strange blast from the past for her over the past week, seeing people she lost touch with and catching up on old friends. That night I dreamt of my old neighborhood and my friends from elementary school and jr. high. So today I had some time to kill because of a change in plans, so I made an exit off the highway and a detour into my old neighborhood. It was a nostalgic look back. I was suprised at how much I remembered about what friends lived where and even what streets lead to others, etc. I was able to remember what the insides of these houses looked like and I remembered what my friends and I would do around the neighborhood. It seemed like it was just yesterday but so long ago. Funny too that all the houses that I thought were so big and "fancy" didn't look so big, or fancy anymore. My old house looked much smaller than I remembered and it even looked like the people living there still had the same window treatments in the gameroom window. Odd. I also wondered if any of the families were still living in these houses. Every house I knew had a story and a memory. I guess we really didn't live their that long. I want to say it was from 1983 to 1989, but it seemed like a lifetime.
Looking back things were so simple and innocent back then. So much has changed with my family and even my friends families. It's somewhat sad to think we had no idea what the future held. Good or bad. Some friends lost sisters, moms, dads, and some families are broken by divorice now. Things definately are not as they were and certainly won't be in another 20 years.
Some random things that come to mind when thinking of that time period for me...

Ha. Yep, yep and yep. Loved all 3 of those things. :)
I think I had that cabbage patch doll and I cut her hair and ruined her the first night....cried and cried and cried. Weren't they like $70 bucks? Funny things I remember from then too.
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