Trip Report: Jamaica, May 2011
I just posted pics on facebook from our recent trip to Jamaica, so I'll spare adding them to this post too. I didn't take too many pics. I really didn't feel like carrying my camera around. Plus we never take pics of ourselves so oh well.
Day 1:
We awoke at 4AM...and after drinking my through Miami from Dallas we arrived in Montego Bay, Jamaica. We had an hour-ish drive to the resort in Runaway Bay. We stayed at the Gran Bahia because it touted 5-stars. However, it was more like 2-3 starts to our discovery. After checking in and doing some exploring, we were zonked. Thought about doing Room Service, but there was no menu. Since we didn't have reservations at the "special" restaurants, we got dressed and it was off to the buffet. We are not buffet people and it wasn't even a "good" buffet. Back to the room to passout early.
Day 2:
We slept late. Woke up around 11. Headed to the pool for some lounging. I read then waded in the pool...repeat. It was much needed. That night we had dinner at the hibatchi restarurant onsite. So with 8 other (and foreign) strangers at the table, I started to cry. I cried because I missed home. Mostly, I missed my babies (my 3 poms). I think it was hormonal or a big stress releiver. Not sure though.
Day 3:
SCUBA DIVING!!! We went on a 2 tank dive both at 90ft and it was AMAZING! I have never seen so much sea life in one dive and the reefs were full of life. It was like the earth had just been flooded. The reefs were so lush. This was a milestone for me considering I just started diving again last year after almost a 10 year hiatus because of a diving accident. I was very nervous, but determined, and now crazy proud of myself! We finished the day at the pool sunning and reading. We ended the night with a lot of champagne and a dinner at their "fancy-men-must-wear-long-pants" restaurant. We got drunk and full and walked out before desert was full. We tipped the waiter of course, but to me it still felt like we were walking the check.
Day 4:
The plan was to go diving again. This time it was supposed to be some wrecks. However, we slept in. But that was way ok with me. It's vacation! Do as the day takes you! Anyway, we decided to hit the beach and do some sunning and reading there instead of the pool. It was nice, but far from the room and restaurant. We closed up shop, had lunch and finished the day at the pool until a rain shower came in around 3PM. Nap time! Then dinner!
Day 5:
Departure Day. Turns out 5 days is the perfect amount of time for a nice get-a-way. We normally do 8 days, but this was good. We plan on doing another short trip in the fall with friends!
All in all, my take on Jamaica is:
Beautiful water
Great diving
Amazing mountains
So-so resorts
Not great food
Lazy, non-people friendly staff
If I never hear another Bob Marley song, that would be too soon. I swear that is the ONLY thing that was played in the cabs on in transit to and from resort and at the resort. I swear that country has one CD on repeat.
We got back on Monday and did a stay-cay for 2 days to gradually get back in the swing of things. I did laundry, grocery shopped, and got a pedi the day after we got back. Additionally, I got a facial to repair my skin from all the sun and cleaned the house. We also went and saw THOR. Which I am still not convinced Thor's brother is Johnny Weir and Thor's friends are a really bad version of the Black-Eye Peas. Oh, I almost forgot...I got a Nook Color and took it with me this trip and it not only was a space saver, but I was able to read 4 magazines and 4 books!
I read:
Water For Elephants
Bethenny Frankel-A place of Yes
Maria Menounos-The EveryGirl's Guide to Life
Something Borrowed (yes like the movie)
Martha Stewart Living
Some serious reads, right? Aside from Water For Elephants, I love reading mindless beachy books. And speaking of Water For Elephants...OMG. Not sure I will be able to see the movie without crying. Good book.
Glad you had fun!How did you like the Nook Color? I'm thinking about getting a digital reader and i haven't decided which one i want yet.. :\
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great) liked everything very much) keep it up and dont stop)
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