I have deactivated my Facebook before, but never for long and I never really had a reason to. However. It has become out of control. I didn't have a lot of friends on there, but I had close to 200. I had a lot of good family, friends, old acquaintances from school, and co-workers. Here is how my decision to deactivate came to be:
1. Family. When I have to find things out about my family via Facebook, there is a communication problem.
2. Friends. I have the phone number and email address of everyone I truly care about. I need to spend more time growing those relationships in person, at least by phone at a minimum.
3. Acquaintances. I think it's cool to re-discover friends who you went to Elementary school with, but I don't know you anymore...nor do I care what your children are doing.
4. Co-workers. Need I say more? I was recently promoted to a Management position in my company. As a 36 year old Marketing Manager, I need to start separating myself from the "party crowd" at work. One thing I have noticed, is that the few managers at work I was friends with on Facebook, never post, never update, and are not friends with very many other co-workers.
I know some of those reasons may sound kind of mean, but the place I am coming from really isn't mean. I am just over it. Too much shared information and I don't feel like having to edit my settings for each group of people, etc.
I will still use Twitter and you can follow me @stateofamanda. You also know how to reach me if you are getting this email (obviously). I will also post to my blog more often with pics and updates about what I have going on, etc.
I also know I will miss out on stuff, but I will do my best to stay up to date with everyone. Just don't forget about me!
Love to all,
Good for you! If I wasn't so bored at Mammaw's house, I would probably do the same thing. If I was working, I wouldn't be friends with anyone I work with on facebook, because I have always kept my work and personal life seperate! I think that when you cross it over, you loose credibility at work! We have many facets and if you want to be taken seriously at work, then you don't want be seen as you may be when you are with your friends or family. I like the games on facebook, and I am very picky about who I accept as my friends. Most of them are made up of family and extended family. I am very picky about which family members I accept as friends, because of the language and crass comments some of the younger ones put on facebook. And also, there are some family members that I also don't want to be a part of my life. That may sound hateful, but if we seperate ourselves from those people in life, why should be be "friends" on facebook? It's almost like a game with some people to see how many "friends" they can have. A popularity game. Very immature and silly. Anyway, I applaud your decision! Love you!
Oh, and I can't figure out Twitter, so I'll just talk to you on the phone and text!
I think there are a LOT of us out there that have this similar problem... Facebook just seems to take control of our lives. It's much simpler to pop on a blog to get news out... and use a more personal medium to communicate with those people we truly care about. Kudos to you for breaking your bonds.
I did the same thing with my facebook. The only thing is that it can be hard to not return, because even if you "close" your account, it can alway reopen.
I found a cool thing to solve this problem, I just banned facebook in the hosts files of my computer, so I never really return on it !
You nailed it down perfectly. I love Facebook as much as the next person and have to admit that there are only really a few of my almost 200 "friends" that I regularly follow and keep in touch with. My family is not local, so it's an easy way to stay connected and supplement our regular "live" conversations. With respect the management conundrum, I've made it a rule to not accept friend requests from subordinates. I just feel it's a good rule to keep work separate from my social life.
Amen! Just blog jumping and saw this. Well spoken on all your reasons.
Before Facebook was around, did you blame for phone or mail system as the medium in which you received updates regarding family/friends? I don't understand why Facebook is at fault here.
Thank you for clarifying your decision to "act" professional since you are now a 30-something "exec" in a Marketing field and don't have time for the "party crowd". I've always wondered why some people I've reconnected with on Facebook etc seem so stuffy and lead such dull, boring lives. I prefer to surround myself with "party people" because I'm fortunate enough to be able to balance my family time with my professional time with my leisure time.
Twitter? Really?? Really....
You're 36, right?
I have an account on The Facebook. I use it when I feel like sticking it to those elitist Winklevoss twins. Take that bluebloods, and that!
I could have said the exact same things...but you said them so much better.
Blog jumping! I've been trying to disconnect from facebook for moths. My family lives on the west coast and I on the east coast so it's tough sometimes. I get "news" from my dad on fb...It's annoying!
Wow! What a wonderful post. Simply amazing. Keep it up.
I also had problems with my fb!
But believe me is better this way! haha
Facebook steals a lot of time
Cool! love your post.
Blog jumping and found you. Very funny and soooooo right about FB. I'm sure I can quit any time I want to.........
Lol. It's all very cool
Great post, I enjoyed ready reading it, Keep posting good stuff like this.
I've also deactivated my Facebook. My classmates keep telling me that I am going to activate it again any way... But I'm not. Seriously. It's not that useful at all :) haha
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