Sunday, October 5, 2008

Houston Trip

I was an idiot and forgot my camera so this will be a rather boring trip report. Frank and I went to Houston this weekend to visit his sister and her family. His dad ended up being there to visit as well. It was a quick trip, but was nice to see everyone. Frank took the boys out on Saturday to buy toys and video games while his sister and I went to get pedicures and go shopping. We all went out to dinner Saturday night and left around lunchtime today to come home.

Our nephew Mikey, the ham of the family (next to Uncle Frank) picks up on everything he hears or sees and makes it his own. For example...Frank made the mistake of exposing the boys to "Business Time" by Flight of the Conchords (Click here if you have not see this yet) while showing his sister. So all weekend Mikey (8 years old mind you) walked around singing "it's business time, it's business time" and telling everyone "business hours are over baby" whenever they would leave a store or go to bed. Mikey also told us how his teacher makes him sign a red book when he gets in trouble, so Frank told him to tell his teacher next time she makes him sign the book, that "I wrote the red book"...and I am 200% sure he is going to actually do it. AND another piece of wisdom Frank passed on was for Mikey to write his teacher's name in the red book instead of his own. His poor mom. LOL!

Driving around Houston, you could still see a lot of damage from Hurricane Ike. There were piles of debris in front of almost every house awaiting pick up and several houses with blue tarps where there was roof damage. When Frank took the boys out on Saturday, they tried to go to Toys R' Us and they were still closed due to storm damage. We also tried a couple of different restaurants on Saturday night only to find they were also still closed. We ended up at Churrasco's. I had never heard of it before, and it was really good.

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